itWatch Enterprise Security Suite (itWESS) for Government Authorities
Featuring worldwide unique functionality the patented itWatch security solutions hold many benefits for the public sector – especially in the area of inner security. The solutions meet the strict requirements of intelligence services, military (use up to CONFIDENTIAL and NATO-restricted) and police, as well as those of standard office workplaces and special projects. With huge installations of well over 100.000 licenses the itWatch solutions give daily proof of their stability and efficiency. In addition with itWESS BDSG-compliant actions can be provably enforced, electronic declarations of intent in event driven dialogues logged audit-proof and compliance to local laws technically implemented with net dependant policies.
All the itWatch products are developed, without any backdoors and without the additional purchase of partial or integral solutions, as well as tested inhouse at itWatch in Germany. The products are sold by channel partners all over the world.
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